I am a passionate software developer, with a focus on creating awesome websites that leave clients delighted and returning for more.
As a frontend developer my main skills are in developing and designing accessible user interfaces that are SEO friendly, using JavaScript, Python, Figma and more.
I am engaged in further studies in backend and database development.
View curriculum vitaeIn collaboration with Agripoint Initiatives Ltd, Grain Council Uganda and Refactory, my team and I spent our Refactory Bootcamp internship solving the problem presented to us - how to keep track of and gain insights from data collected at grain warehouses in Uganda.
The Robofriends web app retrieves data on robot friends from the {JSON} Placeholder API and generates robot images from the Robohash website.
A simple app that tells JS jokes using a Joke API and a Text-to-Speech API.
Open to remote work and volunteer frontend development positions.
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